Ksenia Anske

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Find a writing partner or a coach

Since I started working with my writing partner, the difference in the quality of the material I’m putting out has soared. And it’s not because I somehow got better overnight. 

It’s because when you have another brain joined in thinking through your story, you see things you haven’t seen before. 

This post isn’t meant to pump up the importance of having a writing coach. It’s meant to share what treasure it is, to share your ideas with and to trust another human being.

We’re not meant to write alone. The more people you get involved in your process, the better. A writing coach or partner will make a huge difference in your productivity and creativity even if all it is is you meeting with a friend once a week or once a month to talk about your writing progress. Bounce ideas off. Brainstorm. Share. 

Make it happen. 

If you don’t have a friend like that, look at Meetup groups in your town or ask folks on Facebook (if you’re there) to point you to someone. The result of such collaboration will take you to the highs you thought were impossible. 

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